your unique signature
your unique signature
Aligning your body to optimise radiant health inside out - hormonal, nerve, blood, heart, bone, and all between. This is fundamental to getting into the depths of what’s happening rather than simply placating the symptoms.
The ultimate aim of the consultation is to identify the cause, learn from it, remedy extraordinary results with lifestyle tools, exercises and postural reflection.
With 20 years + of clinical experience I have worked with a multitude of profiles and pain. You are in excellent hands.
How is your relationship to ‘Self’ determining your world - perception, behaviour, posture, breathing, self-care?.
Do you follow your passion, express your gifts for the world to embrace?.
What are your hidden gifts…the ones beyond the limited experience of ‘Self’… beyond the invisible glass ceilings -
deep subconscious narratives of
I’m not worthy
I’m alone
I’m invisible
Your body is a library, where all your memories are held subconsciously. After creating a power relationship and your sacred container - a chrysalis, the EVOLution of you begins with extraordinary epiphany and growth…
and everyone benefits.
Have you had this experience for sometime, or perhaps it comes on all of a sudden? Does it seem to be worse with stress? Is it difficult to get comfortable or to know how to relieve it?
Your consultations are based on techniques proven through the years, and daily changing cellular science, medicine integration and quantum biology. We include sleeping and postural analysis plus at home exercises and awareness relevant to your healing
You will leave feeling empowered.
Body - Consciousness - Brain
Regular maintenance check ups
Life requires maintenance throughout. We are proactive. We need to drink water, eat vital foods and move to sustain a healthy life. Having regular consultations keeps you in tip top shape regardless of whether it’s the wear and tear of getting older, staying in optimum alignment for your impending challenge, or simply being aware of your postural habits or sustaining ones that work.
Regular consultations depending on where you are in your life right now are the best. (a bit like an MOT for your car). We identify your habits and create change that is life enhancing.
Body - Consciousness - Brain
Understand yourself on a deeper level. Learn to look inside for the answers to you and create awareness as to how to live your life with authenticity, passion and joy.
Being committed to living a great life allows you to achieve more than you ever believed possible.